Saturday 28 April 2012

Multiplayer challenge, er special- something like that.

Our latest release, is what we like to call a multiplayer challenge, but for some reason tend to call a multiplayer special. The rules pretty much are as follows, there's 3 points for first place, 2 for second and 1 for 3rd. Fourth gets nothing, each season is going to consist 10 episodes. After each season, the person with the highest score will be proclaimed the winner, and subsequently beaten by the rest of the team. We're trying to get into the habit of calling these little segments challenges- that being said, we've got a bunch pre-recorded so it'll be a couple of episodes into this multiplayer season before you see that change. Now the rules are out of the way, it's time for the fun part!

For our first multiplayer special, we decided to tackle a game that whilst isn't strictly  competitive it can easily be made to be- via the medium of being a dick to your fellow "team mates"- we can guarantee that if you put yourself and 3 other friends in the same situation the tenuous balance would not last long.

 We've been playing Mari0, and you can get the game here- don't worry it's freeware- and trust us, it's a LOT of fun. The ability to troll, as you'll see in our video, is almost endless. Kudos to the team over at stabyourself for this great game that blends two fantastic games into one of the best free games we've played in years, so here's the link to us sucking at it!

Friday 27 April 2012

Rick tackles the heroes gauntlet.

Part two of Hercules is here, will Hades win? Will Rick even be able to get past the tutorial? Tune it to find out!

Sunday 22 April 2012

Our First LP, of many, Rayman Origins!

This video has been a long time coming for the entire Backseat GamingTV team, Nick has wanted to do an LP for a long time as his (totally popular) blog has claimed many a time and we've all really been enjoying playing Rayman Origins- to the point where Nick has filled both his external HDD and his second HDD with raw footage of us playing it, we've wanted to edit and upload this for a while and now we finally have! Kudos to Rick, as always, for his patience with teaching us all the ways of Adobe Premiere and getting us all up to speed on the editing process.

This game is splendidly animated and is fantastic to look at, we'll be getting episodes to you roughly every week and a half- unless our release schedule goes a bit haywire due to not doing any work- like last week- or wanting to get a video we're really happy with out first. Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday 21 April 2012

BSG'S twelve labours.

Last night. or rather more accurately last night and this morning we all met up at our super secret recording headquarters and we pretty much got absolutely nothing done what so ever- not for lack of trying mind you. We've been at this a nearly a month and half I think, and this has never happened before. I think that we've just got a little bit more picky about the quality of our products, and won't release anything unless we found it fun to play- our first few videos don't really play by these rules, and unfortunately you won't see the change for a while. That being said, we're still very proud of our first few videos and we all feel we did a great job for how new we were to this whole thing, so here we are- our next video Disney's Hercules!

Friday 20 April 2012

After some Youtube troubles, part 2 & 3 of Batman Forever are out at last! Unfortunately, we hadn't quite perfected how we wanted the series to pan out- we call the parts way too early, a mistake we don't make again, I think... It's all a learning process, and we hope you'll consider our next series much more professional.

Here they are, enjoy!

Saturday 14 April 2012

More of a learning mountain...

Here at Backseat GamingTV HQ (known to us four as a front room, littered with Pepsi Max cans and packets of crisps) it's been a very taxing couple of weeks. We've finally released our first video, Batman Forever part one. However, the untold story is that of rage, more cans of Pepsi, crisps and some very long and frustrating nights. It was, of course, all completely worth it- at the time of posting, we've got 11 finished videos and a lot more in the wings to be edited. Whilst our release schedule, is more or less chocca right now our first two weekends consisted of a very steep learning curve, involving paying out of the nose for screen capture software and a video editing suite. In of itself, not a huge problem- but we fell at first hurdle, our video editing software didn't want to be friends with the screen capture software and every single time we tried to import, it seemed to be a completely different problem.

 The first time, it would crash, the second there would be no video, then the aspect ratio wasn't how we wanted it (admittedly our fault) and a vast sea of other problems. Almost enough to make us quit, it really was. However, we pressed on and we believe we've produced some great content. After obtaining the ability to finally import our videos, the editing began- our first weekend of editing, we created and recorded one video- our latest, 6. We feel we've come a long way in terms of our ability, creative aspirations and improving our general microphone insecurity. Whilst we're all sometimes a little more headstrong than is called for, we get things done in the end. I fear that learning curve of staying in the same house for long periods of time might be an impossible one to master...

Thanks for reading guys, and we really hope to continue to create what we feel is fun and interesting content, here's our first video we hope you enjoy it just as much as we enjoyed making it.