Friday 29 June 2012

Rayman Origins part 16

Hey guys, as we said yesterday Rayman will be released today due to a little mix up, this episode we pick up another tricky treasure and finally say goodbye to the Desert of Didgeridoos and finish off the boss. Enjoy!

Thursday 28 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas Part 14

Hey guys, this episode we pay a visit to the Boomers- we'll save the blog post complaining about them until we're finished with their quests. Long story short though, Nick & Devyn hate them. Also, unbeknownst to the rest of the group Devyn has some serious beef with junkies and waste landers.

EDIT: Turns out Nick released the wrong video, sorry about that guys- we'll leave this one up and just released Rayman On Friday. Sorry for any issues this may of caused.

Fallout: New Vegas Part 13

Hey guys, this episode is a little late- at least it is for us in the UK. In this episode we tackle one of Fallout's more fun quests, beyond the beef. For those of you that haven't played the game, this write up will be spoiler free- you'll have to watch the video to find out what goes down! However, there is a couple of things to say without spoiling how the quest pans out. What we can tell you is that it's about cannibalism, as you may recall we picked up the cannibal perk a couple of episodes back for this particular quest. Thing is, depending on what dialogue the player uses the perk is sometimes not needed. Guess what we do?

 This is one of many problems that this quest runs into, it feels really big, loads of options and different ways for the quest to end. So much so that both Nick and Devyn run into a ending neither have seen, but it's just so damn broken. There's bugs that outright crash the game involved with it, certain NPC's just won't talk to you- real game breaking stuff. It feels like if a little more work was put into it the quest could of been fantastic. The sad thing is, the quest isn't a main one but it has more depth than some of the main story line quests. It's quests like these that really make the game feel unfinished in places.

Oh, and here's the video.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Rayman Origins Part 15

Hey everybody, Rayman Origins part 15 is ready, we open the episode with a really bad designed tricky treasure- it's all in the shade. As of yet though, we've only got 3 different types of skins, Rayman, Globox and the guy we've lovingly named peon. Thing is though, there's 4 of us- so we're either going have two Raymen..? Two Globox's or two peons. We would with the double peon, so Rick & Jordan sometimes get mixed up, but when they can only see their outlines it's WAY harder. A pretty bad design choice in our mind. Further more, this episode and the next one are pretty sour, we're in the level we feel is the worst in game, the music isn't interesting, the angry birds are rage inducing- and the only redeeming feature is handy Andy, you might need to check the video out for that reference...

Sunday 24 June 2012

Multiplayer Challenge: Soul Calibur 2

Hey guys, at the time of writing this we've finished up the first season of multiplayer challenges. Something we had decided a while ago, but I believe we haven't told you about, is that the winner gets the choose the first game of the next season- and the game can also be a game we've played before, in a normal circumstance we wouldn't repeat a game. So, we all know who has won the finale, but we've yet to decide what he will choose. However, that's all in the future for you guys- and with that, we'll leave you with our latest video, Soul Calibur 2!

Friday 22 June 2012

Oh Rayman, you're so forgotten- oh and Fallout.

Hey guys, it's that time of the week again where we forget to post Rayman and give you all a double whammy of videos! This time the guy that sorts all the posting and social media stuff out (Nick if you hadn't guessed) had a bit of emergency hospital trip he had to make, everything is running smoothly now though. So this episode of Rayman- that's episode 14 by the way- we start to get into some serious infighting. These long sessions get the better of us sometimes, watching them back it's funnier than we remember it being, but it's still not the quality of video we'd like to constantly put out. Hope you enjoy it none the less!

Episode Twelve of Fallout: New Vegas, and yes Devyn will continue to say it in different and even more ways to annoy Nick. This episode marks the first hand drawn physical plan that we follow, to the point where this episode was recorded twice, and for the better I think. This episode turned out pretty well, we got everything done that we wanted to do and we think we managed to do some pretty interesting stuff along the way.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas Part 11

So, this episode we finally obtain the item we've been promising you guys for a while- it's worth the wait we promise. We also recover two more snow globes and pay Mr. House a visit. Nick would like to talk about Mr House here, but we're going to wait until we finish up the LP before we sum up our feelings on the game- we can give you a spoiler though- Nick doesn't like him.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Rayman origins part 13

This episode of Rayman: Origins is the beginning of the end, we start to hate on each other something chronic- these extended recording sessions tend to sour us up sometimes, usually off camera. Sadly, though, this episode catches it on camera. A couple of episodes down the line fall victim to the same problem (as we record a couple of episodes in one run) but we're learning from our mistakes, and we've refined the recording/break/recording model we've been using. When we're old and grizzled at this whole video business we're pretty sure the murder will only happen outside of recordings.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Rayman origins part 12 and Destruction Derby 2!

We had a bit of a mishap with releasing the videos on time, Rayman sort of fell through the cracks. Sorry about that guys, we do our best to make sure our content gets to you when we said it would, and for the most part it does. We hope you can forgive us, here's a double whammy of videos to help nurture that sweet sweet forgiveness.

Friday 15 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas Part 10

Hey guys, episode ten is up. You may notice the blog has changed its stripes ever so slightly, another of the little changes we're making- hope you guys like the new design. A change will soon be coming to the splash screen at the end of our videos too, hope it all looks a little classier.

In this episode, we whisper louder than we talk, deal with the Omerta's- where Nick is very wrong a great deal of times (we're informed he hopes this isn't a start of a LP trend) and solve a few problems the Helga way. Stay tuned for the entire video for a little outtake! Enjoy.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas Part 9

Hey guys, the latest episode of Fallout: New Vegas is now live! At this point in the game, you resolve, what we consider to be the main quest hook- as I believe we discuss, in either this episode or next. After you've dealt with Benny, the game kinda doesn't really give you much of a reason to do anything else. There's some fun stuff out there to do, and we'll do our best to pick it all up- but in terms of story progression- Helga just wouldn't care beyond killing Benny.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Rayman Origins part 11

Rayman Origins part 11 is now live, we're really starting to regret having to farm all these Elctoons off camera. Next part will be up Thursday!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Multiplayer Challenge: Worms Reloaded!

The next multiplayer challenge has been one of our favoruite games we've played so far, we can promise you it has some pretty funny moments. Part two will be coming Monday, this episode was quite a long one.

Goodbye Jackie!

As anyone reading the Facebook, or following us on Twitter would of seen- we're stopping the "Backseat Gaming" part of our channel. In essence, this means that you'll be getting 2 videos less every month and our multiplayer challenges have been moved to a Sunday, with the next part- if applicable- being released on the Monday. Sadly, this means we won't be able to show you some videos that we thought were pretty funny. Jackie Chan Stunt Master for one. You guys should at least check out the intro "cinematic", Jackie has his face plastered over a 3D model, just like Pierce Brosnan in Golden Eye. Classic.

Anyway, we think is a move that is best for the channel- it just felt like we were finding games for the sake of it, not really enjoying them. As a group, we feel like we should focus more on LP's, with the multiplayer element filling in the gaps. It's a lot harder choosing a game than we thought it would be, and we didn't anticipate the learning curve being quite so steep. So, sadly, we'll be saying goodbye to "Backseat Gaming" to make way for a little rest time for us in between recording and editing, the amount of work and having to cram it all into a weekend is very taxing, more than we thought. The old videos will stay up, but the unreleased ones will never see the light of day.

We're sorry Jackie. Truly. 

Friday 8 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas part 8 2/2

Here's a little treat for you guys, we had planned for this episode to be released a little later than today. But we fancy being a little bit nice today, and a certain friend of ours threatened to hurt us if we didn't conclude this part. So here it is, have fun!

Fallout: New Vegas part 8 1/2

This episode lasted a lot longer than we expected, we REALLY wanted to get a lot of stuff done in this episode. Consequently, we ran over enough to have to split the episode into two parts. Strangely enough, the editing software Rick uses now won't let him render anything over 30 minutes so even if you guys could stand us for that long- it doesn't look like we'll be able to render anything longer than that. In this episode, we fail at blackjack (never again) Nick mocks Devyn for not knowing the PC controls. If you want to see the really good stuff, you'll just have to watch! On a side note, this episode and a couple after have forced us to write a real physical plan, using the wikia to kill any arguments dead off camera, and generally streamlining the whole experience. We hope it helps!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Rayman Origins part 10- TAKE IT

This episode has by far been one of the most rage inducing and fun we've ever had to record, I don't want to say anything else about it. You just need to see it!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas Part 7

This episode, episode 8 (both parts) and perhaps 9, if memory serves, of fallout may seem a little strange. At this point in the weekend we had all been a little tense with the huge amount of recording we had to do and started to argue on camera and forget to plan. This is what we're more or less like in real life, if you've watched our stream,   we expect you already know that. However, now we're backed up in videos for almost a month the level of (so called) professionalism we have will return, plans, less domestics and more!

This episode of Fallout moves the main quest line a little bit forward, and we tackle a couple of hurdles fist first. After all, Helga's MO is pretty much punch first, and what the hell are questions?

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Rayman Origins Part 9

This episode of Rayman Origins is the first to experience one of our planned changes for our channel in general, we've ditched the into music- so we can get into the action just a little bit faster. We've got a couple more changes, they're going to take a little longer to implement, but we hope when they do come along you'll enjoy them. As we've become more and more aware of the learning curve of running a YouTube channel, and the various social networking business along the way, we've changed a couple of things behind the scenes to try and make our channel stand out amongst the the vast sea of other YouTubers. We're slowly getting subscribes here and there and we feel confident our videos are improving, let us know by hitting that sweet sweet like button!

Rayman Origins will be coming to a end in the next month or so, we sense we're not far from the end- stay tuned to see what game we'll be playing next! Also, as a little side note- Ricks decided to steam LoL less, maybe even stop it entirely. Let us know if this isn't a change you guys want and we'll address the issue accordingly. Thanks for watching!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Let's do the time warp again.

This weekend was a pretty intense recording session, we managed to record 3 weeks of Rayman, 3 weeks of Fallout and as I've said before, we're recorded up to the finale of the first season of the multiplayer challenge part of our channel. Suffice to say, we're all exhausted- and Rick doesn't even get a chance to relax as he has to do a massive edit storm to keep the videos coming. We've had a couple of revaluations in terms of how our videos are produced, we're really trying hard to stand out in the YouTube community- and a big part of that is professionalism, we're going to make a few-secret- changes. We hope they allow our channel to grow and improve, that's all for now- look out for our next video coming this Tuesday! 

Saturday 2 June 2012

Multiplayer Challenge: Samurai Showdown III

We always enjoy our multiplayer challenges, admittedly some more than others It's not really to do with not liking the game, we wouldn't play a game if we didn't think it had a chance- but sometimes the recording sessions can get a little long, the room hot etc- but this time, we had a great time & we aim to transfer this kind of energy to all of our videos.

So just like Tekken, we've recorded a bouns video. We have never played this game before, it was suggested to us by a friend, and we had a lot of fun with it. FYI, at the time of posting, we're all recorded up to the final episode and the we promise the last episode will be one we have wanted to do for a long time. This game contains some pretty awesome samurai's, flashing images, and a wizard- it does get pretty crazy.


Friday 1 June 2012

Fallout: New Vegas Part 6

So, at the start of this LP- only Devyn & Nick were 100% sure they wanted to do it. Jordan & Rick, not so much. Rick dubbed this, and Fallout: 3 a "walking simulator" and that is a perfectly valid criticism. We've mentioned a few times already how the game could be improved by little details, a Shadowmere, more than one way to open a door etc. After looking back at these videos, there's one improvement we haven't directly discussed- but has proven itself to be needed none the less, a new engine. Seriously, not until we Sykrim was released did we see the back end of the Gamebryo engine. It's been used on Morrowwind, Oblivion, FO3 & FONV- and a lot of stuff in between, and one or two before. I hope the next Fallout uses what Skyrim had, or perhaps something better? Old news is old though, AMIRIGHT?